Registered BRAD participants may sign up to receive a BRAD box of giveaways and educational materials for the event. Be sure to register to receive your BRAD box! The materials below are available for download.
Planning Guides
Posters, Handouts and Social Media Images
Games and Activities
Coloring Sheets
Some of these items will be included in your BRAD box. You may contact us for printed copies or with any questions!
Download the NEW BRAD Event Planning Guide which will guide you through the process of planning your event and will give you ideas to make it the best it can be!

Planning Guides
Classroom Takeover Guide
This guide will walk you through the process of planning a classroom takeover event!
Science Night Guide
Tabling Event Guide
Posters, Handouts, and Social Media Images
Drug Information Handouts
Learn about the role of animals in our understanding of various drugs and how these drugs impact humans.
A Breath of Fresh Air Poster
Learn about optimum air quality in a laboratory animal facility and how it impacts animals and animal research.
Creatures & Cures - Cats
Created through collaboration with Dr. Fred Chatigny, a BRAD Champion, and his Laboratory Animal students.
Creatures & Cures - Pigs
Created through collaboration with Dr. Fred Chatigny, a BRAD Champion, and his Laboratory Animal students.
Creatures & Cures - Rats II
Created through collaboration with Dr. Fred Chatigny, a BRAD Champion, and his Laboratory Animal students.
Crazy Creatures Poster #1
Crazy Creature Poster series created through our partnership with Tecniplast. This poster highlights the Axolotl.
Get the Scoop Poster
Get the Scoop poster, created through our partnership with SoftMouse.NET, is all about rodent handling.
Thank An Animal Postcards
This postcard series highlights ferret, dog, cat, and pig contributions to research.
The 3R's of Animal Research
This infographic discusses the 3R's of animal research and ways to learn more about them.
Research Breakthroughs
Here are some of the many recent neuroscience and pharmacology breakthroughs from animal research.
Vaccine Poster - Polio
Animal research makes vaccines possible. Poster series created through our partnership with Tecniplast.
Vaccine Poster - HPV
Animal research makes vaccines possible. Poster series created through our partnership with Tecniplast.
#1: Brain & Behavior
The first in a series of handouts about the human brain, diseases affecting the brain, and how animal research can help us.
#4: Stress
The fourth in a series of handouts about the human brain, diseases affecting the brain, and how animal research can help us.
Stress & Anxiety
Download and share these infographics about the human brain and diseases affecting the brain.
Family Bonds
Download and share these infographics about the human brain and diseases affecting the brain.
Food for Thought
Download and share these infographics about the human brain and diseases affecting the brain.
Nobel Prize Poster Series #3
This poster, developed with Tecniplast, highlights some contributions of dogs research to human health.
Man's Best Friend Poster
It's no secret - animal research helps humans AND animals. Use this poster to show that!
Neuroscience Talking Points
Download and share these neuroscience talking points to discuss brain and behavior research!
Video Resources
Find Your Dream Career
Explore the many fascinating career opportunities available within the field of biomedical research.
Creature Comforts Poster
Creature Comforts poster created through our sponsorship with NuAire showing the making of a mouse house.
Creatures & Cures - Chinchillas
Created through collaboration with Dr. Fred Chatigny, a BRAD Champion, and his Laboratory Animal students.
Creatures & Cures - Rabbits
Created through collaboration with Dr. Fred Chatigny, a BRAD Champion, and his Laboratory Animal students.
Creatures & Cures - Sheep
Created through collaboration with Dr. Fred Chatigny, a BRAD Champion, and his Laboratory Animal students.
Crazy Creatures Poster #2
Crazy Creature Poster series created through our partnership with Tecniplast. This poster highlights the Opposum.
Rodent Enrichment Poster
Why does enrichment matter? Check out this poster, created through our partnership with Allentown, LLC.
From Animals to Patients
This series highlights the roles animals play in evaluating potential new medications and treatments for humans and animals.
The 3R's of Animal Research
This postcard, created with CALAS, compares animal research regulations in the United States to those in Canada.
COVID-19 Vaccine Sticker
Thanks to ferrets, mice, and monkeys, we have effective COVID-19 vaccines to help keep us safe.
Vaccine Poster - Measles
Animal research makes vaccines possible. Poster series created through our partnership with Tecniplast.
AMP Fact Card
Learn about the critical role of animals in biomedical research - created by Americans for Medical Progress.
#2: Depression
The second in a series of handouts about the human brain, diseases affecting the brain, and how animal research can help us.
#5: Substance Abuse
The fifth in a series of handouts about the human brain, diseases affecting the brain, and how animal research can help us.
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Download and share these infographics about the human brain and diseases affecting the brain.
Download and share these infographics about the human brain and diseases affecting the brain.
Nobel Prize Poster Series #1
This poster, developed with Tecniplast, highlights some contributions of pig research to human health.
Nobel Prize Poster Series #4
This poster, developed with Tecniplast, highlights some contributions of rodents research to human health.
Animal Research & Your Pets
This two-sided handout highlights our pets, have benefitted from animal research. Contact us for printed handouts!
Animal Research Fast Facts
The fast facts were borrowed from Speaking of Research and are great conversation starters as well!
Where Are Your Mice Poster
Do you know where your mice are? Learn how remote cage monitoring improves research and welfare.
Creatures & Cures - Axolotls
Created through collaboration with Dr. Fred Chatigny, a BRAD Champion, and his Laboratory Animal students.
Creatures & Cures - Frogs
Created through collaboration with Dr. Fred Chatigny, a BRAD Champion, and his Laboratory Animal students.
Creatures & Cures - Rats
Created through collaboration with Dr. Fred Chatigny, a BRAD Champion, and his Laboratory Animal students.
Creatures & Cures - Sheep II
Created through collaboration with Dr. Fred Chatigny, a BRAD Champion, and his Laboratory Animal students.
Crazy Creatures Poster #3
Crazy Creature Poster series created through our partnership with Tecniplast. This poster highlights the Sugar Glider
Lab Animal Technician Poster
Lab animal technicians are highlight on this poster created through our partnership with Allentown, LLC.
Ethical Animal Research
This infographic discusses the ethics of animal research and why it is critically important.
Animal Research & Your Pets
Animal research benefits humans and animals! Read about the many ways your pets benefit from animal research.
Dogs in Research
Learn about the critical role of dogs in biomedical research - created with Marshall Bioresources.
Vaccine Poster - Flu
Animal research makes vaccines possible. Poster series created through our partnership with Tecniplast.
Transnetyx Poster
We have partnered with Transnetyx to create this fantastic poster about mice in research!
#3: Neurodegeneration
The third in a series of handouts about the human brain, diseases affecting the brain, and how animal research can help us.
#6: Family Bonds
The sixth in a series of handouts about the human brain, diseases affecting the brain, and how animal research can help us.
Download and share these infographics about the human brain and diseases affecting the brain.
Healthy Brains
Download and share these infographics about the human brain and diseases affecting the brain.
Nobel Prize Poster Series #2
This poster, developed with Tecniplast, highlights some contributions of monkey research to human health.
A Child's Best Friend Poster
It's no secret - animal research helps humans AND animals. Use this poster to show that!
BRAD Talking Points
Know what you’re going to say when you are talking about BRAD! Here are a few examples.
Myth vs. Fact
Games and Activities
White Board Activity

Laboratory Animal Jeopardy
This is a great way to teach facts about animal research in an interactive way!
Download the facilitator guide & powerpoint
Support Banner
Have attendees show their support for the heroes of biomedical research by signing the banner.
What's in the Box? Activity
Participants can guess what various items are and learn about animal research in the process!mail
Photo Release Forms
Fact or Fiction Game

Behavioral Research Training
Teach others about animal behavior research in the classroom or at your booth!
Email us for this activity!
We love this research version of BINGO! There are 14 different cards with corresponding facts.

Enrichment Jeopardy
This is a great way to teach facts about enrichment in an interactive way!
Download the facilitator guide & powerpoint
Enrichment Matching Game
Match the enrichment item to the animal that uses it! This is a great game for kids and adults!
Beach Ball Toss
Toss a beach ball around to get people talking and learning about cures and treatments!
Coloring Sheets
Neuron Coloring Sheet #1
Teach others the basics of neurons and the incredible giant squid using this coloring sheet!
Axolotl Coloring Sheet
Fruit Fly Coloring Sheet
Mouse Coloring Sheet
Neuron Coloring Sheet #2
Teach others about neurons and neuroplasticity of birds using this coloring sheet.
Opossum Coloring Sheet
Guinea Pig Coloring Sheet
Chinchilla Coloring Sheet
Rabbit Coloring Sheet
Neuron Coloring Sheet #3
Teach others about neuronal communication and synaptic clefts using this coloring sheet.
Sugar Glider Coloring Sheet
COVID-19 Coloring Sheet
Teach kids about animals in research while they color a ferret, mouse, and monkey!
Monkey Coloring Sheet
Teach kids about animals in research while they color a nonhuman primate, or monkey!
Zebrafish Coloring Sheet
If you are interested in source citations for any BRAD materials, please contact