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Laboratory Animal Medicine Resident, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

BRAD Champion Since 2022

I have been passionate about laboratory animal medicine and welfare since her undergraduate career at Miami University. I attended the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine solely to become a laboratory animal vet! At OSU, I worked on the enrichment team for research dogs and pigs, and I completed my 2019 ASLAP Fellowship at Emory University. At the CDC, I support research protocols involving infectious disease and have a passion for global health.



Animal Research Ethics Specialist, The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

BRAD Champion Since 2022

When asked as a child what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said a teacher and a veterinarian. My little kid brain thought I could do it all. Thanks to BRAD I’ve found a way to combine my love of animal health and welfare with my passion for education. Outreach into various communities to help people understand why biomedical research is important and how we honour the animals that make it possible everyday has been greatly rewarding. Not only do I find myself having a daily impact on the lives of the animals I work with but I’m finding ways to discuss my work with the public so I can be proud of what I do.

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Clinical Veterinarian, University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Center

BRAD Champion Since 2022

Everyone has benefited from animal research, but few people realize this or think about it, even if they take a regular medication or have interacted with a physician, veterinarian, or other healthcare professional recently. Sharing why and how we work with animal models in biomedical research helps others understand the process and why animals are so important. I also love the dialog that follows when people can freely ask questions – so often I see relief and appreciation when someone realizes that research animals have a team of caretakers whose sole job is looking out for the animals’ health and welfare. Public support for responsible research means that our country can continue to innovate in science and medicine.



Emory University & Emory National Primate Research Center

BRAD Champion Since 2021

I have been involved with theater and performing arts since childhood. Outreach and educational activities provide a unique outlet for me to blend my love of performance with my passion for science. The content of my events is 100% science-based, and the delivery incorporates performance tactics that I have learned over the years to maintain audience engagement. I LOVE everyone’s support as a BRAD Champion! It is so nice to have a crowd of people who are passionate about education, outreach, and the BRAD mission. I appreciate that we support each other's endeavors and cheer each other on! I plan to identify novel audiences and establish relationships with new kinds of institutions. Who are we not yet reaching? I want to develop activities to foster genuine engagement with these audiences. I also plan on creating lots of documentation to make it easy for others to recreate similar events and activities at other institutions and audiences. When designing your event, don’t be afraid to incorporate humor. Comedy is a powerful communication tool. Jokes help keep your audience engaged and will make your content memorable. Humor has been highly effective for me in the past, and I strive to incorporate it into my future events whenever it is appropriate!



Teacher at Cégep de Sherbrooke

BRAD Champion Since 2021

I love being able to help spread BRAD across Canada and to be a part of this great initiative to bring facts concerning biomedical research to the general public. I am a strong believer that skills and information are useless if not shared. Research is important to keep improving our general knowledge as well as the health of humans and animal alike. Animal research is still an integral part of this process and it is important to share facts so that the general public knows it. I also think that outreach is a good way to promote the well-being of people in the field of biomedical research who often feel like they cannot share what they do.

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Clinical Veterinarian, Georgetown University

BRAD Champion Since 2020

My love for laboratory animal medicine began during my undergraduate career while working in the research facility at North Carolina A&T State University. This experience led me to declare my major in laboratory animal science and move on to obtain my Bachelor of Science degree in the field. I had the opportunity to work with various species, including snakes and turtles, and be on the cutting edge of research and scientific breakthroughs that I knew would improve human and veterinary medicine alike! During my time at A&T, we hosted various outreach events to recruit and educate the public on veterinary medicine and its significance in biomedical research. Fast forward a few years, after becoming a laboratory animal veterinarian, when the opportunity to participate in BRAD came around it seemed only right to get back into outreach, spreading the word about the field I have grown to love and have dedicated my career to. I love that we are working during a time where research institutions are supportive of outreach efforts and that the public is ready to listen. I'm thrilled to be a part of the effort to make animal research part of the regular discussion when it comes to advancements in medicine.

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Assistant Director and Head of Translational Medicine at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

BRAD Champion Since 2020

I love promoting BRAD to share my passion for biomedical research. My love for my job in biomedical research and the importance of our work is what drives my passion. Having a career that benefits both the health and welfare of humans and animals is very rewarding, and I think it is important for the general population to learn more about it. Also combatting misinformation is something I feel very strongly about. 



Veterinary Scientist/Veterinary Technician at Bristol Myers Squibb

BRAD Champion Since 2019

The energy of the people involved is my favorite part of being a BRAD Champion. It’s great to be a part of a team where everyone wants more and more bigger and better each year for such a great cause. Being an advocate for good science and proper animal care within the research world drives my passion for outreach and education. I want to be able to showcase the amazing work we do along with high quality animal care to the public. If you’re planning a BRAD event, don’t hold back! If you think it would be fun or silly, try it! You’d be surprised what folks like and what brings them back each year. We do a “how many pellets are in the mouse cage” game where we fill a cage up with food and have folks guess how many are in the cage and it’s ALWAYS a hit, it gets them to the table where we can then hand out flyers, swag and educate them on our animals and staff.

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Research Compliance Coordinator - Senior at University of Texas Health - San Antonio

BRAD Champion Since 2019

Our field needs voices, and I hope that I can inspire our community to support animal research (for people and animals). The institution I am at is excited about BRAD and allows me to spend time working on these initiatives.  I work hard to keep up my daily work, so I can spend time on outreach activities. I have reached out to the local vet tech program, a magnet high school, and a veterinary clinic here in San Antonio.  I hope to work closely with them to ensure the information reaches more members of our community. I love being able to show people that animal research is important (for humans and animals).  Most people don’t know that the animal research that is done for humans can be used in animals.  It is a great feeling when someone walks away with a better idea about our field. If you’re planning a BRAD event, don’t be afraid to just DO IT!  There is so much support from the BRAD team, that you have someone to help you if you need it.  Once you’ve hosted one, you will want to host it year after year!!

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Project Scientist, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health 

Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto

BRAD Champion Since 2020

Being a BRAD Champion is super exciting, because BRAD gives a platform and the motivation to think about increasing outreach. Being a BRAD Champion gives me the opportunity of interacting with others that share my passion for biomedical research, and organize events for outreach. Knowing the impact that our work can have really drives my passion for outreach and education. More than ever, the world realized that we need biomedical research. There are still diseases that we do not understand and that we cannot cure, and there are emerging disease that nobody could expect. Biomedical research is critical to help in this matter, and to develop treatments.My tip for someone who is hosting their first BRAD event would be to decide on your audience. Then try to craft an event that is manageable for you and your team, so it does not add unnecessary stress to your effort. Then use the material on BRAD website and talk to your Champion or to BRAD representative. They/we are always happy to help.


Animal Welfare Compliance Manager at Bristol Myers Squibb

BRAD Champion Since 2019 

I feel like I am making a difference to educate the public about the truth and reality of biomedical research as a BRAD Champion.  We love and ensure the health and welfare of the animals.  We want to do right by them, and we want to make sure people know about it. My father just passed recently from his battle with cancer and my mother is still fighting her battle with cancer.  Time is precious for those that science and research allow extra time to be together with one’s loved ones.  I appreciate the opportunity to explain to those that are unaware, why biomedical research is necessary. I think doing anything that will be colorful and grab someone’s attention helps when planning a BRAD event.  But the most important thing is to get your IACUC involved, get vet sciences and researchers involved - anyone that will be comfortable to speak about their part in the process.  Make sure there is preparation in regards to what each will talk about for the questions that may be asked. Know your audience.

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Robbie Champion
Operations/Technical Manager at Bristol Myers Squibb

BRAD Champion Since 2019 

Besides working alongside other passionate individuals in my industry, I love to talk about what I am passionate about and being able to encourage and be a part of others sharing their passion. If you’re planning an event, start small, highlight your passion.  Use the resources you have, collaborate with other institutes if you are small. Advertise and promote within your institution.  Build on that foundation in subsequent years and branch out to other activities and events. Sometimes it is easy to over commit.  We all want our outreach and educational initiatives to be robust and amazing events.  Only commit to things you are passionate about because it will feel less like work. Saying ‘no’ is okay as well.



Senior Clinical Veterinarian

BRAD Champion Since 2020 

I have been involved in the biomedical research field since undergrad in one form or another. I quickly gained an immense respect for the work, the animals and all the humans who have dedicated their lives to advancing our understanding of basic sciences, which ultimately leads to finding cures to the seemingly incurable. I found myself proud of the work I was doing and fascinated by the animals I was caring for. However, I was also simultaneously frustrated that I could not always freely boast about my career, at least not without being prepared for some tough conversations surrounding animals in research. I love teaching, and truly believe that knowledge is power. By educating the public and working to increase transparency into the amazing world of biomedical research, I believe we can take down the negative stereotypes surrounding this field, while also lifting barriers that often slow or impede progress altogether. My drive to continue BRAD outreach is fueled by the hope that scientist and caregivers will no longer be hesitant to talk about their amazing achievements they have all made, both in terms of medicinal advancements, but also in animal science, behavior, and welfare improvements. In return, I hope they will be honored and revered for their work.


Clinical Veterinarian at Emory National Primate Research Center

BRAD Champion Since 2019 

The desire to build public trust in science and animal research drives my passion for outreach. Historically, scientists and lab animal professionals have been reluctant to speak openly about animals in research. Consequently, this has led to a spread of misinformation and decreased public trust and support. This is important because public opinion influences how biomedical research is regulated and funded, which in turn impacts quality science and animal welfare. I absolutely love my job and I love teaching and engaging with people, so proudly educating others about the animals I care for and why they are so important is rewarding and fun for me. I love the camaraderie and support between all the Champions and the BRAD/AMP team. It is awesome being part of a group of people who share the same enthusiasm for outreach and lab animal medicine. I love the encouragement and the ability to bounce ideas off one another.  

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