Passionate about advocacy, education, and BRAD? We are looking for individuals around the country and the world to serve as BRAD Regional Champions. As a part of this NEW program you will have the opportunity to increase BRAD participation in your city, state, and region!
Perks of being a BRAD Regional Champion:
Special BRAD Champion gift included in your BRAD box
Fantastic leadership development opportunity
Bring BRAD to your local AALAS branch meeting
Serve as a resource for Americans for Medical Progress should we need a regional representative on an issue or at a conference
Help shape BRAD activities and the program as a whole
Make an impact on our field and speak up for science!

Goals for BRAD Regional Champion:
Contact other institutions, organizations, businesses, and more in your region
Share information about BRAD and the importance of animal research
Assist others in hosting BRAD events by serving as the ambassador for their institution or working with someone from their institution
Recruit 3 new participants/organizations per year to host their own BRAD event
Possible participants to contact as a BRAD Regional Champion:
Undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools
Technical schools
Veterinary clinics
K-12 classes
Local businesses, community centers, libraries, and more!
If you are interested in serving as a BRAD Regional Champion, email us for more information and to get started!